Ear, Nose & Throat Care
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and Audiology, a division of the Department of Surgery, provides comprehensive diagnosis and therapy for maladies of the upper aerodigestive tract in pediatric and adult patients. It encompasses disorders of the inner ear, skull base, and endocrine system. At its disposal are modern diagnostic/therapeutic audiology, surgical microscopy/endoscopy, sinus/middle ear instrumentation, and sophisticated radiological modalities, including C.T. scans, MRI and ultrasonography.
- Adult and Pediatric Otology/Neurotology
- Evaluation of children hearing loss
- Comprehensive head and neck oncology
- Head and neck melanoma
- Pediatric Airway Service
- Head and neck, Collagen Vascular Disease
- Facial plastic surgery
- Head and seck surgery/rhinotology
- Endoscopic Sinus surgery
- Head and neck/otologic diving accidents/trauma