Diabetes Treatment Center

About the Howard University Hospital Diabetes Center

The Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center is a state-of-the-art facility that offers comprehensive services for patients with diabetes through a multidisciplinary approach. The multidisciplinary team includes endocrinologist, certified diabetes educators, nutritionist and pharmacist. The Center’s Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support classes are recognized by the American Diabetes Association for meeting the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support.


The Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center's in-patient services have earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Advanced Certification in Inpatient Diabetes Care. The Gold Seal of Approval® is a symbol of quality that reflects Howard University Hospital’s commitment to providing safe and effective patient care. The center is also recognized by the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association for "Get With The Guidelines" - Stroke GOLD PLUS with Honor Roll Elite and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll.

Why Choose Us

The experts at the Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center are here to help you in your journey to better health. We are focused on providing patients with a commitment to innovative, high-quality care that drives strong clinical outcomes and high patient satisfaction. You will have access to the latest information, treatment options, and education for all types of diabetes. We are passionate about the level of care we provide and each of our patients are like members of the family.

Message From Our Director

Living with diabetes may be one of the most challenging obstacles that you will face in your lifetime. Historically, there has been a lack of health education, advocacy and resources for people in low income communities where diabetes is the most prevalent. Evidence suggests there is a direct correlation between high rates of diabetes and communities that do not have access to the proper care and health resources.Gail Nunlee-Bland

As healthcare professionals, we are inclined to promote health education that improves better access to care and social conditions in order to stem the pipeline of individuals who develop diabetes. You can take the first step to better health by making routine visits to the doctor, checking your blood sugar levels, eating healthy and watching your diet, and taking your meds to ensure you will have the best chance at success.

We are proud of the relationships we have built with local health partners in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. With their support, we are focused on creating an environment that supports high-quality patient services, and patient care to deliver the best possible treatment outcomes.


Dr. Gail Nunlee-Bland

Medical Director for the Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center.

A national expert on diabetes awareness, education and care for people living in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area.

Patient Testimonials

"When I was diagnosed with diabetes, I did not know anything about the disease. I felt like I was alone in the dark. A friend of mine recommended that I visit the Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center. At the center, they were able to provide me with a robust treatment plan that featured a team of diabetes educators, nutritionists, and an endocrinologist to help me gain the confidence that I needed and the motivation to improve my health. Thank you."

Gloria P., Clinton, Md.

"From the front office staff to the physicians, you get a sense that they care about you and your well-being. I was initially hesitant to go but decided that I needed to get a screening even though we are in a pandemic. I am happy that I made that choice. Thanks to the team at Howard, I feel like I have a better handle on my diabetes and the future looks better."

Shania J., Edgewood, D.C.

Diabetes runs in my family. My mother had it. My older brother has it and now I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. It's a serious disease with severe health complications if you do not get on top of your health. The best thing that I ever did was come into the Howard University Hospital Diabetes Treatment Center and get a screening. Now, I have an opportunity to make some big changes in my lifestyle to reverse the process and live a life free of diabetes."

Roger H., Shaw, D.C.

"I have lived with diabetes for 14 years and it wasn't until I began receiving care from the professionals at the HUH Diabetes Treatment Center that I felt like I got my life back and under control. As I get older, I can see the difference in my care prior to HUH and I am more appreciative of the team at Howard. Dr. Bland and her team are so compassionate and attentive to my personal needs. I am grateful to be here today, praising their great work. Thank you again."

Terrell A., Anacostia, D.C.

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